Our sustainability partners

We offset 100% of our CO2e footprint through the Sustainable Travel International (STI) Forestry Projects Program. We also donate an additional 50% of our emissions-value to the UK-based Make it Wild project.


Sustainable Travel International (STI)

Travel Curious has signed a pledge with Sustainable Travel International (STI) to be a Climate Ranger. As such we are committing to offsetting 100% our company and tours and activities CO2e emissions through the STI Carbon Offset Program.

Every quarter Travel Curious calculates its footprint, including that of each tour or activity taken, by every guest, and offsets the emissions through the STI Forestry Projects Program. All projects under this programme meet rigorous standards and have been carefully vetted to ensure they are scientifically proven to reduce CO2e emissions and mitigate climate change.

The program contributes to sustainability at a global level and aligns with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations). They provide benefits beyond CO2e reduction, such as local job creation, protection of traditional livelihoods and indigenous land rights, endangered species and habitat conservation, access to safe drinking water, improved healthcare, and education.


Make it Wild

Make it Wild is a family project founded and run by Helen and Christopher Neave.

Worried about nature and the impact that man is having on the planet, they decided to take action and create a nature reserve in North Yorkshire, UK.

Make it Wild purchases land and plants indigenous trees of all types, creating new permanent woodlands for wildlife. To date they have planted 50,000 trees and intend to plant 10,000 each year.

Travel Curious is committed to offsetting an additional 50% of our CO2e emissions-value to the Make it Wild Carbon mitigating program, by planting and preserving trees, starting with the adoption of our very own beautiful Veteran Beech tree.

Our sustainability partners